NY 9/11 Ground Zero
This is a selection of photographs that were taken in connection with the book project “New York 2000 – 2002”. This compilation has only “Ground Zero” as a theme and includes photographs that are not represented in the book.
At that time (2001-2002) it was strictly forbidden to take pictures of the actual Ground Zero, so that the entire area was surrounded by privacy fences. Everyone in New York and people from outside came to see Ground Zero. On site, however, these visitors had to discover that nothing was to be seen. Many visitors paused, stunned by the attacks and a smell of burned computers lingered over the scene, while hawkers tried to make quick money with copies of the well-known news pictures. (This editing and composing was supported by a grant from “Kulturwerk Bild-Kunst”)
I still have a number of signed issues of the book “New York 2001-2002” – for your order, please go this way: Order a signed copy…